Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Canning Time

Because we are currently stationed in an area where availability of ripe summer produce during the winter months is almost nil, I have decided to undertake canning...ahem! (Yes, another hobbie).

I started with two different types of tomatoes, Vine ripe and Roma, since those are typically what I will use in sauces and soups throughout the winter.

Can I just say that even if we don't eat all these, they are truly beautiful to look at. While I am finishing my canning, here's some photos to enjoy in the meantime....

Here's my technique #1 which is roasting the vine ripe tomatoes in the oven with garlic, basil and olive oil, and then removing the skins before canning.

Here's another photo for you....these are two beautiful Italian imported jars I found which I am using.

Technique #2 involves adding the tomatoes, and onion to the jars, and letting the tomatoes cook inside the jars as they are boiling in the water.

I am SO excited to see and taste the final outcome, and to look at all my pretty jars on the shelf!

Next...bring on the PEACHES!!!

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