Thursday, August 11, 2011

Creamy Primavera Vegetable Risotto Stuffed Bell Peppers

Creamy Primavera Vegetable Risotto Stuffed Bell Peppers 

I tried a new product today as part of a Foodbuzz Tastemaker program with Birds Eye Chef's Favorites, and created a new recipe. The variety I chose was the Creamy Primavera Vegetable Risotto, which is a great vegetarian meal option. On its own, it would be a healthy and quick dinner, which can be prepared directly in the bag.

For my stuffed Risotto Peppers you will need:

2 Sweet Bell Peppers (I chose several colors)

½ cup shredded Mozzarella cheese

¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese

¼ cup Italian seasoned breadcrumbs

1 few dashes of Olive oil

3 teaspoons water

Salt and Pepper to taste (Optional)


Heat oven to 400 degrees.

Start with two beautiful bell peppers. Wash and dry the peppers.

Heat Birds Eye Creamy Primavera Vegetable Risotto in microwave according to directions on package.

Combine both cheeses together. Slice top of bell peppers off (removing stem) and ½ an inch of top. Add one spoonful at a time of risotto into each of the bell peppers. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then cheese mixture. Repeat until all of the risotto, cheese and breadcrumbs fill both peppers. Drizzle olive oil over the top of each pepper. Add peppers to a baking dish. Fill the bottom of the baking dish with three teaspoons of water.
Bake Peppers uncovered for 30 minutes. Remove and serve immediately.
And your result will be this.............


  1. Risotto in bell peppers sounds really good and your pictures are stunning. I will need to look for the frozen vegetable risotto....Great side dish-thanks for sharing.

  2. Awesome way to use the steamer veggies. I got mine yesterday too and have not decided how I'll use them. I love this recipe, well-done!!

  3. I MISS CHEESE! These look so creamy and lovely!
